Top 10 Modern Western Movies
We’re not sure about you babes but we can’t help but notice that the Western movie has been making a hardcore comeback. And while a decent amount of the modern westerns movies are a remake of an original western; we couldn’t be more thrilled that these cowboys and cowgirls are back. We scoured the most recent Western movies, and movies that encompass the Western feel to bring you are our Top 10 Modern Western Movies.
Yee-haw babes!
10. The Magnificent Seven
The original Magnificent Seven came out in 1960, and while the remake holds mostly the same story, there has definitely been changes made to make this feel more modern. Including but definitely not limited to the INSANE cast. Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, Haley Bennett, Ethan Hawke, Matt Bomer, Luke Grimes, there is many more. Getting all those great people together already pushes this movie into a spot on our list. When a super greedy business man takes over the couldn't-get more-western town of Rose Creek what are the town folk to do? Well, obviously get their local bounty hunter to gather the most rag-tag group of gunslingers around to get shit done. Duh. This movie is a classic western wrapped in modern humor and we love it.

9. Hateful Eight
Ah Quentin Tarantino, we couldn’t have a modern western list without you. This is the story of two bounty hunters (are you sensing a theme yet?), one travelling with a prisoner and the other travelling with someone claiming to be a sheriff. When they seek shelter on a mountain pass they run into four more strangers. To say the story gets twisted wouldn’t be lying in the least bit. Samuel L. Jackson fits right into this western world perfectly, and the wrest of the cast is stellar as well. The Hateful Eight is the perfect number nine for our list.
8. True Grit
When 14-year-old Mattie Ross’s (Hailee Steinfeld) father is murdered by ruthless outlaw Tom Chaney (Josh Brolin), she rustles up all her courage and spunk and hires Rooster Cogburn (Jeff Bridges), a not so stable lawman to help her avenge her father. Okay, first all could those names GET anymore western, but this movie can’t take all the credit since it is a remake from a movie with the same title from 1969. This movie is fantastic in its own right but the fact that it’s a remake is crazy. Remakes aren’t usually this good. If you’re in the mood for a good ol western with a modern twist this movie is the one for you.
7. The Dark Tower
One of the main characters of this movie is literally called The Gunslinger, so we think that automatically qualifies it a spot on this list, but more than that you have a feud spanning generations, a hostile force trying to take over, and of course, gunfights! This movie is a futuristic western, and if you’re in the mood for something, dark, moody and action-packed, this is the modern western for you! Plus, Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughy, so eye candy for all!

6. Django: Unchained
Quentin! You’re back! Of course, Quentin Tarantino is the only director who could tell this story in such a fantastic way. Jamie Foxx plays Django, a slave that is travelling with an extremely unusual bounty hunter (SERIOUS themes going on) in order to capture the infamous Brittle Brothers. Not, to spoil anything but this unusual bounty hunter does end of freeing Django and the two of them go on an insane manhunt to capture the most wanted criminals in the South. This movie takes a contemporary look at the time before the Civil War in the south. And whoever decided on this casting deserves a medal! Kerry Washington, Leonardo DiCaprio, to name a couple made up a cast with some serious connections. We could not have this list without Django: Unchained.
5. Serenity
Okay, we know this isn’t a traditional choice, but can you get more modern western than space cowboys? No seriously, hear us out: space cowboys are still cowboys! This movie has hip holsters, gun fights, a quest for justice... and if you’ve watched Firefly you know that at one point Mal’s crew even had cows on the ship. So really, there should be no question about Serenity deserving a spot on our list! (As a side note, if you haven’t watched Firefly and Serenity, you are missing something wonderful in your life!)
4. Back to the Future 3
Babes you’ve probably already figured out that we’re big fans of the Back to the Future franchise, and that love does extend to the later movies in the franchise... which doesn’t happen often with sequels! But the third and final instalment of the Back to the Future franchise definitely earned its spot on our list: I mean, it takes place in the Wild West! There’s time travel (obviously), gunslingers, saving a town... what more could you ask of a modern western?
3. A Million Ways to Die in the West
Let’s be real, the Wild West did not strike us as the safest place to live and this comedic take on a modern western just emphasized that for us: I mean babes, the title says it all! There are sheep farmers, outlaws, gunfights... and poor Albert has to quickly fix the fact that he is lacking most skills needed to survive in the West if he’s to survive and win the girl! This earned its spot on our list by making us laugh, poking fun at the genre and still checking off all the boxes you could ask for in a western!

2. Brokeback Mountain
There was actually no way that this wasn’t ending up towards the top of our list! This has modern-day cowboys torn between what’s expected of them, and what they truly feel - I mean you don’t get more modern western than this, and there’s a reason it won as many awards as it did! Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal are perfection, and this movie is basically the western version of The Notebook - definitely a must-watch for modern westerns!
1. Wild Wild West
I’m just going to throw it out there that this movie isn’t just the number one modern western movie out there, but it’s badass soundtrack cannot be beat! We’re just going to give a quick hell ya to Will Smith. Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there… JUST KIDDING! But, this is a story of Civil War hero James West (Will Smith) and U.S. Marshal Artemus Gordon (Kevin Kline) and the job they take to protect the president from a diabolical scientist. These cowboys know what they’re doing, but with their totally opposite ways of doing things these two bring the buddy comedy world to this western. Without question, Wild Wild West is our number one modern western.