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Quiz: Spend the Day at Disney World and We'll Reveal Which Two Disney Ladies You're a Combination Of




Did you ever wonder what Disney princesses make up your soul? No? Really? We have. And Buzzfeed gets it. They’ve created a comprehensive quiz that will tell you the ladies that are most like you. All you’ve got to do is plan your day at Disney.




Who I Got:
Jasmine & Elsa – Like Jasmine and Else, you may come off a little cold at times, but you actually have the warmest heart and take care of those who need your help, no matter the cost. You are a force to be reckoned with!  


How I Feel:
Well first off, these two princesses are two of my most favourite not only Disney princesses but characters in general. I’m going to flat out say it, Buzzfeed got it right. I’m 100% loyal to a fault with a hard candy coating with jelly inside. I’m going to take this as a compliment and call it a day!





Who I Got:
Moana & Tiana – Like Moana and Tiana, you dream of something more, and you will stop at nothing to achieve those dreams. Your determination, ambition, and perseverance is what makes you great!


How I Feel:
I got Princess Tiana and Moana. Like both characters I do have that determined out look on life, and I love adventure. Both happen to be my favourite Princesses so that is a plus too. I feel like this result was spot on, and it didn't hurt that one of my favourite colors, rose gold was in the quiz. Bonus!





Who I Got:
Belle & Mulan – Like Belle and Mulan, you are compassionate, understanding and intelligent and would do anything for the people you love. People underestimate your strength, but that only makes you stronger!


How I Feel:
Okay, so Belle and Mulan are two of my favorite princesses so I’m all about this result! I basically get Belle every time I do one of these types of Disney quizzes, so that wasn’t really a surprise but the addition of Mulan? Amazing! As for the description, I didn’t just like it, I loved it - it was so sweet! I’d like to think accurate too, so I’m going to give this one to Buzzfeed: thank you for the compliment!






Who I Got:
Jasmine & Elsa – Like Jasmine and Else, you may come off a little cold at times, but you actually have the warmest heart and take care of those who need your help, no matter the cost. You are a force to be reckoned with! 


How I Feel:
Well, although I’m surprised I didn’t get Belle (cause well… she’s my favorite), the description is super sweet and kind! I am definitely known for being cold and it takes a bit to get to know me. Buzzfeed, you made my heart melt a bit with that compliment! Well done!

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