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The Top 10 They're So Bad They're
Good Movies
By: Ashley & Rachel - Voted by all BABC Ladies

We all have them, the favourite movies we’re almost embarrassed to tell people about. Sometimes when a movie is so bad it’s basically brilliant. We need these movies in our lives, because sometimes it feels good to be bad. For those times we’ve made our Top 10 They’re So Bad They’re Good Movies –
*Possible spoilers


(10) When in Rome

This movie is your classic romance, but with your classic bad movie twists. There are magic coins (magic beans are so yesterday), there is a sausage vendor, and a scene where everyone fits into a tiny car. By everyone I mean at least 5 people. This movie will make you laugh when it shouldn’t, but that’s what makes it great. It has rightfully earned its spot on our list.  


(9) High School Musical

What are the odds of meeting your soul mate (or the person who is supposed to “change you for the better”) on a cruise ship and THEN finding out they moved to your EXACT school. Or, what are the odds that a popular basketball player decides to fall in love with music only after he is introduced to this mystical girl. Thanks HSM for making us FEEL this super cheesy love story filled with mind-numbing catchy songs and all of the cheesy one liners!


(8) Honey

Dance movies permanently get a bad rep. But, when it comes to Honey we beg to differ. Young Jessica Alba is gorgeous and brings the classic small city girl with big dreams story to life. While this movies story line is stereotypical you cannot help but love it. You fall in love with Honey’s story and the way she tells it. The dancing just rounds everything down to a cheesy wonderful film. If you haven’t watched this movie, you are seriously missing out. And all we can say is oh honey, you best fix that.


(7) Napoleon Dynamite

Who doesn’t love Napolean Dynamite? It’s a clearly awkward movie which includes strange internet relationships, young weird love and who could forget that magnificently magical school talent show dance. With its dry sense of humor and all of those cringey uncomfortable moments that make you laugh out loud, there’s no question why it made our list!


(6) Dodgeball

An underdog gym owner is getting put out of business by a tight-pants wearing gym owner unless him and his band of awkward misfits win at a dodgeball competition, I think it speaks for itself as to why it made our list. Not to mention the painfully awkward romantic passes made towards the female lead. This movie rocks our world with a lot of comedy and toe-curling awkward scenes which is all you want in a hilariously bad movie!


(5) The Mummy

This movie is one of those movies that is always on TV. It’s a late night, you’re tired but can’t sleep, you flip through the channels and you find the gloriousness that is The Mummy. While this movie kind of has the feeling that you are constantly stumbling forward, we could not love it more. It may be set in 1925 but the main female role is witty, has great cheesy comedic timing and she’s super bad ass. There is a “historical” component, a struggling love story across the ages and awful digital swarms of flesh eating bugs. You’ll be shaking your head the whole time, but the next time it’s on, we guarantee you’ll be watching.  


(4) House Bunny

What’s worse than being an ex playboy bunny turned sorority house “mother”? Nothing. That fact is exactly why this movie has made our list. Anna Faris may not think she’s at her finest in this film, but we do. This film has play mates, makeovers, pink bunny ears and horrible one liners. It will make you laugh out loud on purpose and equally not on purpose. If this won’t satisfy your need for a great bad movie we’re not sure what will.


(3) I Know What You Did Last Summer

When it comes to bad but good movies, scary movies do have a leg up. But, I Know What You Did Last Summer has set itself apart. This young cast (Freddy Prinze Jr., Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Ryan Phillippe) delivers this old school scary movie perfectly. This movie proves that no matter how bad things get (possible murder), and how far apart in life you get from your friends you will always come back together to have each other’s backs. Sappy goodness right? Be warned though this movie really does have some jumpy parts, which will then turn around and make you laugh. This movie will leave you wanting more. WELL thank goodness there is a second one.


(2) Crossroads

Please, please don’t tell us you haven’t seen Crossroads. We like you and we don’t want this to end, so if you haven’t watched this, do it now. This movie is full of dreams and living them out with your best friends. Oh! And Britney Spears. You get to watch these characters gain all of the life experience they think they’ll need. This tacky little film is wrapped up in a road trip sized bow and it couldn’t be better. In the words of Lucy “All we have is now, and right now we have each other.” That is why this film is number two on our list.


(1) Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen

Two words. Lindsay Lohan. Yup, it’s all you needed, we understand. This movie is the queen of bad movies. But, that’s why we love it. The main character is, well you guest it a teenage drama queen. Lindsay Lohan is totally believable as Lola, and I don’t care who you are we’ve all been Lola at some point. While a compulsive liar she is loveable. This movie combines family drama, multiple love stories, teenagers finding themselves and a beautiful mean girl (Megan Fox). This movie hands down deserves the number one slot and will succeed all of your cheesy line desires.  

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