WRITTEN BY: Rachel & Megan
VOTED: All BABC Ladies
Are you ever in the mood for a chick flick, but you think to yourself if I see the same story line one more time I'm going to flip a table? Yes? Us too.
Well let me tell you, then this is the list for you.
Here is our top ten unexpected, unique, and not so typical chick flicks:
Like most of the movies on our list if you haven't seen Clueless we need to have a serious conversation. With leading female characters, unexpected love stories (who doesn't fall for their ex-step brother), and odd but perfect 90s humour this film has earned the right to sit on our list.
Instead of your typical friends-falling-for-each-other chick flick plot, Friends With Benefits gives us two friends who decide to use EACH OTHER to scratch an itch without wanting more, and end up getting more than they wanted or bargained for. Realistic, relatable and hilarious.
P.S. Don’t get this one confused with the Ashton Kutcher-Natalie Portman one, that movie wishes it were this one!
(8) EASY A
This movie takes the stereotypical "girl" feelings about losing your virginity and basically blows it up. And on top of that you've got some historical fiction brought into the now, a girl named Olive (how often does that happen), and a whole range of female characters. Easy A will make you laugh but also go "hell ya".
Down With Love may be set in the 60s but don’t let that fool you, there’s nothing old-fashioned about it! Smart, witty and completely unexpected (seriously THE biggest plot twist), this movie is all about female empowerment, going after what you want, and what happens when it turns out not to be exactly what you expected - definitely earning it a spot on this list!
This is a classic. No ifs and buts about it. Young Heath Ledger and young Joseph Gordon-Levitt bring everything to this movie along with their connection with young Julia Stiles. The unbelievably strong female roles in this movie are front and center. No matter the love interest, those roles are never lost. It's a 90s breath of fresh air.
Let's be honest, when you hear porno you don't really think chick flick. But, this movie is here to challenge ALL of that stereotype non-sense. This movie has two old friends/roommates who get themselves into a bit of a messy situation. And how do they get out of that situation? Porn. Duh! In all seriousness though this movie magnifies the bonds that people create with each other while giving you a real laugh out loud laugh. This is a "love" story that people really need to see.
While this movie is about three men and their friendship, what stands out most in this movie is their relationship with the women in their lives. From start to finish the unique relationships carry this movie, I don't know about you but I'm not sure if we could start a relationship with somebody after they called me a hooker. That Awkward Moment 100% brings a different type of realistic humor to the chick flick genre.
Hilarious, inappropriate and brutally honest, this movie always hits us right in the feels! It’s one of the only movies that rings true to being single in your twenties, plus Rebel Wilson kills it with the one liners. We laugh, we cry, we desperately want the contraption Alice invents… Definitely a must-watch!
Okay, this movie has everything, but nothing you’d expect: the guy is an overemotional wreck, there’s an unusual amount of male nudity, there’s a Dracula puppet musical - and it’s just plain hysterically funny! This movie reminds us that there are two sides to every breakup and while neither of them are pretty, they can be pretty damn funny.
To quote the movie, when you put the lawyer, the wife and the boobs together… You 100% don’t get a typical chick flick! Three women plotting revenge on the guy that screwed them over? Even better! If you haven’t seen this movie yet, you are seriously missing out - it’s one of our all-time favourites and earned its place on the top of this list by being smart, sexy and a whole lot of fun!
Honorable Mention -
If I say we agreed on every choice, I'd be straight up lying to you. There was a grueling voting process, as there always is when we're trying to choose anything. We each picked one movie we felt strongly should have made the list:
Ashley: Bridesmaids
Grace: Trainwreck
Rachel: Cruel Intentions
Sherene: Frozen
Megan: Knocked Up