Dear Valentines Day, Don't Worry I Don't Hate You
I know, you’re shocked, you thought you misread. But I really did say that I DON’T hate Valentines Day. In fact, I love Valentines Day. It’s a little ironic that the day of “love” is one of the most hated days. But, don’t panic Valentines Day lovers I’ve got your back.

Most people when you ask them will tell you that Valentines Day was/is a Hallmark or card company-built holiday, but the truth is it started a long time ago.
The holiday itself has roots in Roman history. There was a festival called Lupercalia which was held in mid February. The festival celebrated the coming of spring, which of course included fertility ceremonies as well as a lottery that paired women with men. Like, super old school Roman speed dating. Eventually a pope in the late 5th Century, ordered this practice to be replaced. The day was renamed St. Valentines Day. If you’re wondering how long it took to get from creepy speed dating to the celebration of love, well it was the 14th century when romance finally made its entrance.
How did it get its name though? There are a lot of theories. The day is named after a Saint but there are a ton of Valentines in history and really it could be anyone of them. But one of the most popular legends is that he was a priest that was martyred by an emperor at the beginning of the 3rd century AD. The emperor at the time, Emperor Claudius II had banned marriage. He believed that married men made poor soldiers (rude, I know). Valentine absolutely did not agree with this theory and believed that it was unfair. He began arranging and marrying couples in secret. I love a good rebel.
But, as with most secret plans the one person you didn’t want to know always finds out. Once Emperor Claudius discovered what Valentine was doing, he through him in jail and sentenced him to death. While serving his time before his execution, Valentine fell in love with one of the jailer’s daughters. Talk about making the best out of a bad situation.
On the date he was to be killed, Feb. 14th (I know you’re surprised) he wrote a love letter to his beloved and signed it “from your Valentine”.
BAM! The first Valentine sent.
It’s taken us a long time to get from that first valentine to the valentines we send now…

But, I’m so glad we did.
A decent amount of people have always given me crap about how much I love Valentines Day. I’m someone who has been in and out of relationships a fair amount and people seem to lump my love for the HOLIDAY (yes, it’s holiday, don’t give me that look) with the relationships I’ve been in but it’s not. I can understand the assumption, but it’s inaccurate. As most assumptions are.
When I was little, I had a Valentines Day vest, and we ate heart shaped pancakes. Pancakes in any shape are pure gold but the hearts made it festive. Everything was red and pink, it was magical. I’ve always loved celebrations. Any excuse to celebrate in my mind is fantastic, but a specific day out of the year to celebrate something that people have been trying to figure out their entire lives is epic.
There aren’t a billion songs written about love because it’s something you can ignore. Valentines Day is about love, blanket statement. It doesn’t discriminate between what type of love. It doesn’t have to be a significant other kind of love; any type of love will do. I LOVE my family, and I LOVE my friends so why shouldn’t that be celebrated.
One of the points people like to try and throw at me is from the undercover cynic. The person who looks at me with their judgey eyes and says, “Shouldn’t you be celebrating love every day of the year?” Well Doris, you sure as shit should. BUT, if there can be a National Donut day, National Blueberry Cheesecake day, National Popcorn day and so many more you better believe that there should be day that celebrates something as grand as love. Not, to say that Blueberry Cheesecake isn’t grand.
I feel like at this point you’ve either been nodding along the whole time, or you’re starting to come around. I’m an optimist.
Something that many people do when celebrating any holiday, is they watch their favorite holiday related movie or read their favorite holiday related book. I like those things to, but one of the things I like to do is re-watch the holiday episodes from the shows that I love. And Valentines Day Should not be left out.
Here are my Top 10 Valentines Day Episodes –
10. Episode: My Funky Valentine Show: Modern Family (Season 1, Episode 15)
9. Episode: The One with the Candy Hearts Show: Friends (Season 1, Episode 14)

8. Episode: Crazy, Cupid, Love Show: Gossip Girl (Season 5, Episode 15)
7. Episode: Valentines Day Show: New Girl (Season 1, Episode 13)
6. Episode: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 2, Episode 16)
5. Episode: Desperation Day Show: How I Met Your Mother (Season 6, Episode 16)

4. Episode: Amen Show: The Newsroom (Season 1, Episode 5)
3. Episode: Stop Will! In the Name of Love Show: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (Season 4, Episode 18)
2. Episode: The Large Hadron Collision Show: The Big Bang Theory (Season 3, Episode 15)

1. Episode: The One with the Birthing Video Show: Friends (Season 8, Episode 15)
There is something for everyone in that list, and hopefully it will get you into the Valentine’s Day spirit.
Some of the more “traditional” aspects of Valentine’s Day that people love is definitely the sweets. And for those who don’t know me, I’m allergic to chocolate. So, Valentines day and Halloween have always been a little tricky. If you’re not into sweets there is so much more that the holiday can offer. Go on and get yourself something with red icing, put on some cupid wings, go get your GLITTER on.

I felt you cringe a little when I said glitter, which even as a glitter lover I understand. It’s like sand, once it’s in, it’s never leaving. But, I don’t want this to get in the way of you and me and enjoying this day.
Even though I’m generally covered in glitter, I do have up my glittery sleeve a way to remove that shine (if needed).
1. Makeup remover wipes are your friends. If possible, the textured ones they pick up and remove the glitter really well. Better than makeup remover on a cotton pad.
2. If you have sensitive skin DO NOT USE GLUE. I know that a lot of hacks say that if you have glitter on your skin you can use the white glue to rub it off. But I can tell you now if you have sensitive skin you will get hives.
3. If you have glitter in your hair (lucky you!) but don’t want it there olive oil is about to be your best buddy. Lather the olive oil into your hair while it’s dry, leave it in for 10-15 minutes and then wash your hair like normal. This should remove any glitter from your hair.
4. If you don’t have olive oil or you don’t really want to wash your hair yet (day 2 curls give us life) the best thing to do is to take a paper towel and spray it with hair spray. Enough to make the paper towel a little bit sticky. Then pat the glittery parts of your hair, this should remove any leftover glitter that you couldn’t shake out.
5. Getting glitter off your skin and clothes something simple is scotch tape. Wrap the scotch tape around your finger (sticky side out) and use this to pick up the glitter.
See, now don’t you feel more prepared for the day? I thought so. Now, get out there and enjoy the day! Valentines Day doesn’t need anymore haters, cmon over to the pink and glittery side of things. You know you wanna!
Just remember that you’re the mac to our cheese, the orange juice to our champagne, the jalapeno to our popper and to all the babes and bombshells we love you!
Happy Valentines Day!