Don’t Judge a Beer by It’s Label: Naughty Neighbour
Beer: Naughty Neighbour Brewer: Nickel Brook Brewing Company Bottle or Can: Can
Made In: Ontario, Canada Alcohol Percentage: 4.9%
Type of Beer: Pale Ale
Taste Style: Medium & Hoppy Does the Label Match the Taste: No
I started drinking this beer at one of our favourite bars that we frequent. And I won’t lie to you it started because I really liked asking the bartender for a Naughty Neighbor, but once I got past the novelty of that I realized this beer is actually really good.
I always figured this was a “in the bar” kind of beer, and then one day out of the corner of my eye in LCBO I saw this black can with Naughty Neighbour written in what looked like a neon sign on the can. I honestly thought to myself that there was no way this was the same beer. While I love the idea of a pinup girl on the can, this beer tastes WAY better than the can.
If I hadn’t had this beer before, I never would have picked up the can. The only word I can think of is cheesy. The pinup girl is cheesy and the lettering is cheesy.

The back of the can does have a really good description of the beer and what’s in it, with an awesome catch phrase, “Sometimes neighbours are just too enticing to resist”
But, more importantly than the design, the beer tastes just as good in the can as it does at the bar, which is decently rare. Even though they do mention on the can itself it’s better in a glass.

This beer is phenomenal cold. And if you happen to get caught in a conversation while this is still in your hand and can’t drink it right away like some people do, not naming any names (me, I talk a lot…) it’s still good.

They describe the beer as medium, but it tastes more on the lighter side to me. But, the hoppy descriptor is 100% accurate.
If you see this beer at the LCBO or The Beer Store don’t shy away because of the can, it’s delicious. And at the end of the day anything called Naughty Neighbour gets an extra leg up in my book