The Red Quest
Ruby Woo Review
Product Type: Retro Matte, Lip Liner and Lip Glass Brand: MAC
Price: $17-$36 (depending on what product you're getting)
Anyone whose ever searched for a red lipstick will tell you that this search is a difficult one. There are so many reds out there, some are a little to pink some are a little to orange etc. Finding a good quality long lasting red is basically like finding gold in the lipstick world.
I can’t tell you how long I searched for my red, probably to long since I can be rather picky. However, one glorious day in MAC I found Ruby Woo Retro Matte Lipstick. I purchased the lipstick and the matching lip liner. I used to think that a lip liner was for old ladies but honestly, if you’re wearing a bold matte lip color a lip liner is necessary. Not, only does it give the bold look a bit of a push but it helps the lipstick last longer.

I naturally have a very pink skin tone, so reds can be difficult because they always end up more rosy than expected or wanted. But, Ruby Woo, well… I’m not over selling it when I say this was my perfect red. This isn’t the kind of lipstick where you have to swipe it on three or four times to get the true color. As soon as you put this on your lips you know that it’s RED. And it couldn’t be any other hue.

Like most matte lipsticks Ruby Woo can dry out your lips, so I would highly recommend moisturizing them or using a product similar to the Clinique Prep Start that we’ve reviewed earlier before applying the color. I will also level with you that this isn’t the most long wearing lipstick. I’ve had worse though but I’ve also had better. But, for me the color outshines having to re-apply a couple times.
When I started working in the office I do now, I realized that it was a very dry environment, and my lips were taking a tole because of it. I stopped wearing a lot of matte lipsticks to work because they just couldn’t take the extra dryness. Not wanting to loose the lip colors I loved so much I started leaning towards lip glosses and lip glass.
I’d really started missing being able to wear my perfect red at work, but then the unthinkable happened, MAC came out with the Ruby Woo lip glass.

I’m hear to tell you that the color is just as good as the matte. A liner is 100% not needed with a lip glass. If you’ve never worn a lip glass before you will be surprised about how thick it comes on, and it can be a little bit more shiny than the usual lip gloss. But, a lip glass with a bold color is just what you need if you’re looking to make a statement or if you just need a refresher.
The lip glass compared to the lip stick does wear better. I don’t find myself needing to reapply half as much.
Ruby Woo isn’t just the perfect red because of it’s unchallenged color but also because you have more than one option when it comes to the application choices. I would recommend these products completely.
Now, go get your beauty on babes!