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Megan's Top 5 Reese Witherspoon Movies

Reese Witherspoon is your quintessential Southern belle, and she’s equal parts sweet, smart and sassy - oh and did I mention talented? Her movies are some of our favorites here at BABC, to the point where I’m shocked that we haven’t worn out our Legally Blonde DVD. We've watched it that many times!

She got her big break with The Man on the Moon at 15, and since then her career has only blossomed: she’s an Oscar nominee and winner, a Golden Globe nominee, a producer, an entrepreneur with her own clothing label... seriously is there anything she can’t do?!

It’s tough to narrow down all her work into my top five, but here goes nothing babes!

(5) Penelope

This is one of my favorite movies to watch when I’m looking for a modern-day fairy-tale: if you haven’t seen this movie and are in the mood for something cute and unexpected, check it out! Not only does Reese Witherspoon play outside her usual type as a bad-ass delivery girl who becomes Penelope’s guide to the real world, she’s also an executive producer so double the points!

(4) Walk the Line

Okay, this is the film that won her her Oscar so it maybe should be higher on my list, but she has so many great movies ranking them is next to impossible. My bad if you disagree with this ranking! She shines as a young June Carter Cash, Johnny Cash’s talented, conflicted song writing partner and future wife. She truly deserved her Oscar win, no question!

(3) Sweet Home Alabama

This movie just makes me smile! A small-town girl makes it big, is getting married to the big city man of her dreams but there’s a catch: she has to go back to her hometown and get her childhood sweetheart to sign their divorce papers. Reese Witherspoon is perfect in this role, and you just can’t help but root for her and her happily ever after! Plus it’s really fun to hear her slip into her true Southern accent.

(2) Cruel Intentions

I just watched this movie super recently, but it shot to one of the top spots on my list before the credits rolled - it’s probably one of the most twisted teen films out there. It's where Reese Witherspoon met her future (and now ex) husband, and began the process of cloning herself. No seriously, her daughter is the spitting image of her in this movie and it’s actually really freaky! She plays Annette, with the perfect mix of sweet and edge - even if you don’t see the edge til the very end of the movie! This is a must-see on your Reese Witherspoon movie tour.

(1) Legally Blonde

I don’t really think I need to go into much detail as to why this gets the number one spot... As Elle would say, “What, like it’s hard?” - I can practically recite every line of this movie, and I honestly can’t imagine anyone else being able to play Elle Woods like Reese Witherspoon! It earned her her second Golden Globe nomination, and it’s just become one of the most iconic films of the 2000s. They just announced the third one, with Reese as Elle again, and I’m not going to lie I squealed like one of the sorority girls!


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