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Got2B Playful Pomade


Product: Got2B Playful Texture Cream Pomade

Where: Shoppers, Rexall, Walmart, Amazon

Price: $6.46-$9.99

Living the pixie cut life for the past couple years, I’ve spent my fair share of time in the hair product aisle investigating all sorts of pastes, pomades, gels, powders… You name it, I’ve probably picked it up at least once! Not necessarily purchased it, but definitely considered putting it on my head - but I’m a delicate flower and rashes aren’t cute. So, I spend quite a lot of time smelling the products in the hopes that I will be able to tell whether or not I’m going to be allergic to it - spoiler alert, I’m not a bloodhound, and I definitely have failed at this in the past. Time and time again, I go back to one product in particular: got2b’s Playful Texture Cream Pomade, which is a mouthful of a name, I usually just call it the hair stuff (because I like to be specific about these things).

Why do I keep going back to it? Well, for one thing it smells GREAT - if you’ve ever tried out different hair products meant for short hair, you know for the most part they smell like cologne. Don’t get me wrong, I like the smell of (most) colognes, but I don’t necessarily want my head to smell like that, but that’s just me! When I’m in the hair aisle, I will admit, I have opened the products to see what they smell like - and admittedly, the first time I bought this one I honestly bought it based on smell alone.

You have to understand: it smells like vanilla icing. VANILLA ICING! Um, yes please. My two favourite scents to wear are vanilla and grapefruit, so the only thing that could make this scent better would be if it was vanilla grapefruit, but you can’t have it all. I will say that if you aren’t a fan of sweet scents, this is probably not for you - the scent isn’t super long lasting though, so if you can deal with it briefly, you should be okay.

Luckily, not only does this product smell great, it does its job really well too! This is best suited for a messy look, so if you’re looking for something to spike your hair with, this is not the product for you - but if you’re looking to create a textured chunky look with some shine, grab it!

I read some reviews (after purchasing, because what is logic) and people said that they found it gave their hair a “wet look”, which some people seem to think was a good thing, others not so much. I haven’t found that that’s the case for me, but I have a ton of hair and don’t tend to use very much product, so you may need to play around with the amount you use to achieve whichever of the two looks you prefer. Typically, I use about a quarter to loonie-sized amount on dry hair (depending on how much my cowlicks are acting up that day), but the package says that you can also use it on damp hair - which might result in more of a wet look come to think of it - so depending on how much time you have, I don’t imagine it would be an issue to put it on before your hair is fully dry. Another bonus is that it does a great job controlling frizz, and I can attest to the fact that it will hold up even in humidity and even when rained on!

Packaging-wise, it’s not really anything special: like most got2b products it comes in a plastic tub, in this case with a purple lid and silver base. When you first purchase it, it’s in a little cardboard sleeve with some very simple instructions of how to use the product - honestly, I don’t see the point of the cardboard, but hey at least it’s recyclable! The product itself is white and feels kind of like that weird science experiment with corn starch and water that feel solid when you tap it but turns to a liquid when you run it through your fingers - not a perfect comparison, because it doesn’t turn to liquid but when you scoop out a bit of it and rub it between your palms it turns from a solid to something closer to a gel. But it’s not sticky like a gel, so that’s a bonus for me since I never feel like I can get the gel stickiness fully off my hands when I use one!

I like this product enough that I’ve contemplated whether or not I can still use it once I grow my hair out (we’ll see if I actually succeed in doing so) - and according to the reviews I mentioned above, it seems a lot of people do continue to use on long hair! I would imagine you would have to use more product because more hair, but apparently it still does a good job at controlling frizz and adding shine, so I’ll keep using it while my hair grows out and give it a shot on longer hair!

Happy beautifying babes!


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