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What the Buzz?: Swear Word Edition

Quiz: What Swear Word Are You? Link:

Okay babes, do we ever have a good quiz for you. If you swear often (like some of us do), and you don’t want to use your regular swearwords, this quiz will change your life. We each took the “What Swear Word Are You” and honestly, you should all take this quiz. You’ll like it as much as we do, trust us.

Who knows, maybe you’ll even learn a new word to try out on all of your friends.

Ashley -

Word: Arsebadger

Arsebadger is a classic, old English swear. You can't say it without picturing what an arsebadger would look like. A delight.

Okay seriously, this is the greatest word ever. Mixing a body part with an animal, WHO ARE YOU BUZZFEED, YOU MAGNIFICANT GENIUS YOU. When I got this word, I couldn’t stop laughing! How awesome is that? I’ve already been using this word to perfectly describe people (specifically Rachel), and it’s so good! I love it buzzfeed, thanks for the new word!

Megan -

Word: Fucknubbin

Fucknubbin is the kind of swear word you use when you feel more pity than contempt for whatever you’re swearing at. It’s almost… caring? “That poor, useless fucknubbin”

Well I have to say I don’t think I’ve ever heard or used this word before, and I’m not quite sure how to feel about this Buzzfeed! Apparently this is a swear word that you use when you feel bad for someone/something, and I mean I guess it’s better than contempt but not by much... And I’m a bit lost on how it’s caring, but since that’s really the only complimentary part of the description I guess I’ll take it! It is definitely fun to say, and it may occasionally make it into my swear word vocabulary but I don’t think I see it becoming a regular anytime soon - who knows though, this could become my new go-to swear word, like I said it’s fun to say!

Sherene -

Word: Twat

Twat: Simple, to the point, effective. A timeless classic

I was on the floor laughing when the cuss word given was twat. I found it funny as it was a word I never use, but makes me laugh when I watch Skins, Misfits or Lovesick. It wouldn't be a word I would start using, but oddly will still always laugh at.


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