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Don't Judge a Beer by It's Label: Canuck Pale Ale

Beer: Canuck Pale Ale Brewer: Great Lakes Brewery

Bottle or Can: Can

Made In: Canada Alcohol Percentage: 5.2% Type of Beer: Pale Ale

Taste Style: Medium & Hoppy

Does the Label Match the Taste: No

Let’s get this out of the way right now, this beer can and brewhouse could not be more Canadian. There is literally a lumberjack on the can, it’s pretty hard to get anymore stereotypical Canadian than that.

We noticed this can when we were gathering supplies for a party I was throwing. We got two beers from Great Lakes Brewery, Lake Effect IPA and Canuck Pale Ale. The Lumberjack was really what caught my attention though. And then the awesome blurb on the back of the can is what sold it for me.

Obviously, I like the can a lot, the beer inside however definitely didn’t live up to all the Canuck glory that it could have. I knew this was a pale ale, but this was decently more sour than I expected. For lack of a better description, the can just doesn’t read as sour.

This beer 100% cannot be consumed even a tiny bit warm. This has to be as cold as possible. This is the case with most beers. But, truly don’t even attempt it with this one.

I would recommend this beer if that’s what you’re in the mood for, and I would get it again if I was looking for something with the sour after taste. Which sometimes on a hot day is what you look for in a beer.


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