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Confessions of a Short Girl: Cottage Edition

Alright babes, I’m back at it again with my “confessions of a short girl” article and man, do I have a good theme for you this time. The sun is shining and the weather is getting warmer which means… it’s cottage season! I’ve compiled some of the top struggles that us tiny humans experience when vacationing at a cottage and trust me… these are 2 legit 2 quit (am I cool yet? ).

Forever middle-seating it.

Road trips is an essential element of cottaging (Yes, this is now a new term). Now, us short girls gets the luxury of sitting in that awful middle seat in the back because we “don’t need as much leg room” or “are short enough that the driver can see out the back window”. Speaking from experience, this seat is squishy, yucky and is not enjoyable for anyone. Avoid it at all costs.

Pros: If you fall asleep, you have your choice of shoulders to lean on

Why are the Quilts floating… oh Wait, that’s You

As all of your friends are carrying in all of the cottage essentials, you definitely want to help, right? Well here’s the thing, if you are short like me, you may have to carry less things in at a time for the simple reason that you need to be able to see where you are going. Safety comes first, and we small humans don’t have height on our side, which means that we need to make more trips than your average sized humans.

Pros: You won’t be asked to take in the heavy or tall stuff, which means an easier day for you!

No S’more Smoke

To be blunt… campfires do not like short friends. The smoke from the campfires blows away which usually wouldn’t bother anyone. However, when you’re short like me, the smoke from the campfire hits my face, rather than hitting the torso of my average sized friend. Because of that, I can’t sit down and I have to move around constantly to avoid the dreaded smoke.

Pros: No mosquitoes will get you as, like you, mosquitoes hate smoke

Come on in, the Water is Great…

Swimming gin the lake is super fun, especially when it’s gorgeous weather. If you’re like me, and hate getting your hair wet, then you know the struggle of keeping your head above the water at all times. While all of your friends are in the lake, standing tall, you’re there on your tip toes trying to stay relevant in the conversation while still keeping your super cute hair up.

Pros: Sharks don’t like shallow water


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