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All the Characters of a Road Trip

Now, no matter how big or small your group is, trust us you have an assortment of these characters with you on your trip. And not everyone is just one, sometimes people will combo on you depending on the trip or the people.

We love our friends, but let’s be honest while you’re reading this you’ll be shouting “EXACTLY!” or “THAT’S SO YOU” or “WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS” while reading through these.

The Karaoke Machine

Long road trips can get super boring without your friendly neighbourhood Karaoke Machine (Not to be mistaken with the infamous Spiderman for well… obvious reasons). And you all know, singing is contagious, so when your Karaoke Machine is rocking out, the rest of you will follow.

The Navigator

Its’ inevitable that you’re going to get lost on your road trip. It could be because of a wrong turn, or a road closure or… because you’re looking for a Starbucks and get off track. We’re not sure, we heard that could happen. But, either way when any of these happens we can guarantee that there will be a friend that knows exactly where you are and exactly what direction your going in. They know how to follow a map or a GPS perfectly and can get you out of whatever lost mess you’ve gotten yourself into.

The Dancing Queen

Who doesn’t love a friend who can bust out a sweet dance move or two? What’s better than that? Why, it’s having that friend in the car on those road trips. Car rides always need that one friend to pump up the jam and bring that over the top energy to your trip. Just be careful that you aren’t sitting too close to them, or else you may get hit by the flailing limbs.

The Epic Napper

No matter how long the road trip is, you’ll always have that one friend who will always find time for a cat nap. On the bright side, sleepy car friends = great pictures. Especially if they sleep with their mouth open #blackmail

The Snack Bandit

They have them in their pockets, they have them in their bag and if they don’t have any they will steal yours. They’re the SNACK BANDIT. It doesn’t matter how long or how short the ride is you’ll always have that one (or two) people that require a snack so being “HANGRY” doesn’t become a thing. A “HANGRY” person(s) can ruin any road trip. If you know what’s best for you, you’ll keep a little something in your pockets just in case you have to fend one of these people off.

The Chatterbox

In most friend groups, there is always that one friend who can talk your ear off. Car trips are no exceptions. From the “are we there yet?” to the “here’s a fun fact”, this friend can always find something to talk about. Especially when the trip begins to drag on, and all of your other friends are asleep, you’ve got this friend to keep you awake.

The Human Google

You’re driving down the highway and you look out the window and see the biggest Muskoka chair you’ve ever seen. You then bring everyone else in the cars attention to it. Without fail this friend will then begin explaining that in fact the largest Muskoka chair is Gravenhurst, ON not in the middle of nowhere off the highway. While it may seem like they’re reading this off their phone, but for real they just know this stuff. They know everything! And if you’re in a need of a fun fact or you’re trying to win a car ride trivia game you want this character on your side.

The Forever Middle Seater

Okay, so everyone knows about the dreaded middle spot in the backseat. Nobody wants this spot… like ever. It’s squishy, uncomfortable and there is barely enough leg space. However, somebody must take that spot, and that is where this friend comes along. This person tends to be shorter and smaller than the others which designate them to the middle seat. We all have that one friend (as for BABC, Ashley is this friend), and they know that no matter what, that is their permanent seat.

The Road Trip Captain

This person is essential to any road trip. They make sure everyone’s things make it into the car, they make sure you don’t leave anyone at your pit stop, they keep the group on schedule and they know exactly what everyone needs before they need it. If you are this friend, you deserve a medal or a really big hug or at least a cookie. Stay strong my friend!

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