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Top 10 Movies with a Makeover

There's nothing like a good transformation story, whether it be inside or out. Movies with a makeover always seem to have an added charm to them that we LOVE.

We thought you babes might feel the same, so we came up with our Top 10 Movies with a Makeover list -

(10) Crazy Stupid Love

The Makeover: Cal Weaver - Self-doubting guy who thinks he knows what he wants to Confident, better dressing guy who basically gets it

When Cal’s (Steve Carell) seemingly perfect life basically implodes he’s set a drift into the singles world. On a late night out he meets Jacob (Ryan Gosling) a self made player who understands how to be single. He takes Cal under his wing and gives him the makeover of his life. Let’s just say things take a turn when Jacob starts up a long-term relationship with someone super close to Cal.

(9) The Devil Wears Prada

The Makeover: Fashion hating, insecure woman to Self assured woman with kick ass boots

This is essentially your modern day Ugly Duckling story: Anne Hathaway’s Andy goes from frumpy to fabulously stylish with the help of Stanley Tucci. This movie just goes to show that a great haircut and some beautiful designer clothes can pack a punch, and how important it is to look the part: especially if you work at THE fashion magazine for THE fashion editor! This look is Meryl Streep approved, so you know it’s the Oscar of makeovers: Andy gains self-confidence and a new understand of fashion, and we get treated to some gorgeous clothes!

(8) She’s the Man

The Makeover: Soccer player to Really, really determined soccer player

As makeovers go, this is definitely not your traditional one! Amanda Bynes kicks ass as Viola in this movie when she transforms herself into her twin brother and takes his place at school - a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do when it comes to playing the sport she loves right? She transforms everything: from her hair, to the way she dresses, to the way she walks, the way she talks: this is a full package makeover transformation! And a successful one too: she manages to fool everyone into believing she’s a guy, which definitely has its pros and cons… If you haven’t seen this movie, it’s worth it just to watch Amanda Bynes dressed as a guy convince Channing Tatum that her tampons are for nosebleeds!

(7) Mean Girls

The Makeover: Cady Heron – Homeschooler to Mean girl

Rachel McAdams/Regina George take the awkward new girl from Africa Cady (Lindsay Lohan) and transforms her into one of the Plastics from top to bottom! Cady goes from ponytails, bare faced and baggy clothes to perfect hair, flawless makeup and the trendiest of clothes. It’s quite the transformation, and becomes more than skin deep when Cady starts to act like Regina as well as dress to her standard… This movie goes to show just how intense high school can be, and is iconic for good reason!

(6) Pretty Woman

The Makeover: Vivian – Hooker with a heart of gold to Classy lady with a heart of gold (she kept her spunk don’t worry)

This movie is a complete classic, it takes the Cinderella type story and spins it on it’s head. When Edward comes into to town on business he hires Vivian to keep him “company” while he’s there. The two unexpectantly have more in common than you think, and their bond begins to grow. The physical makeover is one of the best parts of the film, Vivian (young Julia Roberts) may need a few new outfits to slide easier into Edward’s (young Richard Gere) world. But, that isn’t the only makeover. Both main characters go through a revamp emotionally and it could not be better. If you ever estimate what a determined woman can do, then all we have to say to you is “Big mistake. Big. Huge.”

(5) Clueless

The Makeover: Tai – Ugly (but not actually) duckling to 90s chic

Ah the quintessential 90s makeover movie: take the klutzy new girl under your wing and transform her into one of the popular kids - if anyone can do it, it’s Cher Horowitz! Tai is transformed from awkward skater stoner girl into your stylish girl next door, and Cher tries to make sure that Tai is living up to all the potential she sees in her. It’s a classic case of her heart being in the right place, and while the physical makeover goes to Tai, Cher goes through her own makeover, just on the inside! Sweet, funny and an all-around good time, this movie makes you wonder if your good intentions might just be getting in the way of what’s meant to be!

(4) The Breakfast Club

The Makeover: Allison Reynolds – Basket case whose face you can’t actually see to Probably still a basket case, but whose eyes and beautiful face you can actually see

This film is most likely one of the most famous movies from the 80s. If you’re not familiar with this film, we can’t continue our friendship until you do. Five teens from five different cliques get stuck in detention over the weekend, as you can imagine this doesn’t remain your average detention. While there is only one physical makeover in this film, but all the people in this movie are radically changed by the end of it. The Breakfast Club completely deserves a spot on our list, and we will never forget about it.

(3) Grease

The Makeover: Sandy – 50s Preppy to Every decade sexy

Talk about a showstopper: when Sandy comes out in that black jumpsuit and leather jacket? Just so much yes! From super sweet pastel poodle skirts and cardigans to badass babe in black, Sandy’s makeover is the perfect ending to Danny and Sandy’s love story, knocking Danny’s socks off, and proving once and for all that Sandy is the girl for him! We may be singing along to You’re The One That I Want but really, it’s the outfit we want…

(2) Miss Congeniality

The Makeover: Gracie Hart – Rough, tough, and clumsy FBI agent to rough, tough and clumsy FBI agent with combed hair

This movies makeover produced one of the best lines in movie history, “I am in a dress, I have gel in my hair, I haven't slept all night, I'm starved, and I'm armed! Don't mess with me!” Trust us we can relate to this every Saturday night. When the United States Miss America pageant is threatened the FBI steps in. Enter, Gracie Hart. An FBI agent, a little rough around the edges. She is forced into going undercover to protect the fine ladies of the pageant world. Hence, the needed makeover. If you haven’t seen this movie you are missing out, comedy and action all packed into one with a Sandra Bullock cherry on top.

(1) Princess Diaries

The Makeover: Mia Thermopolis – Nerdy to Princess-y

Ah! Princess Diaries. This is honestly Anne Hathaway at her best. When your average awkward teen girl is thrown into the world of royals you have one fantastic movie. With the best makeover. While the makeover gives Mia (Anne Hathaway) more confidence she never loses the things that make her, her. That’s one of the reasons we love this movie. It’s a Disney movie classic, that will never lose its charm. Without a doubt, this movie should be crowned our number one movie with a makeover.


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