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Pore No More

Biore Pore Strip Review


Package: 8 or 16

Type: Regular or Charcoal

Price: $6.99 or $11.99

Available at: most drugstores/pharmacies/Walmart etc., Amazon

These handy little strips have been part of our skincare routine since high school, and they don’t disappoint! If you’re looking to deep clean the pores on your nose and take care of any blackheads, these do the trick every time. Biore as a company just celebrated its 20th anniversary last year, and based on products like this, I don’t see them going anywhere any time soon. You’ve probably seen the ads for these strips on TV or on the subway, and they aren’t kidding when they say how satisfying but also gross it is to see what has been clogging up your pores! Half the fun of these is peeling off the strip and looking at it – and the other half is how amazing your pores feel afterwards! Just wet your nose, place the strip in the appropriate spot, wait 10-15mins, peel and marvel at what you’ve uncovered!


I started off using the original strips back in high school, but since Biore introduced their charcoal version a few years ago I’ve been switching between the two depending on how deep a clean I feel my pores need! To be completely honest, I don’t find that much of a difference between the original and the charcoal, so I don’t think you can go wrong either way. I tend to get pretty oily on my nose, which means my pores need a good deep clean every week or so, and these are my go-to! I like how straightforward the strips are: there’s no fussing, it’s one product and you’re done – always a bonus in my eyes! I find these work best when I’ve just gotten out of a hot shower: your pores will be more open so the strips are able to get even deeper. Another bonus is that even though I have very sensitive skin and peel off masks and strips aren’t always recommended in that case, I’ve honestly never had a reaction to these! They just do their job well and I’ll keep us using these for as long as they are available.


These are not as painful as they look, I pinky promise. But, they aren’t pleasant to pull off that’s for sure.

The important thing is, that these work. The packaging isn’t great, and the texture of the strips aren’t fabulous. But, at the end of the day these suckers will get your black heads and they will get them good.

I’ve been using these strips for a very long time, and something I have learned is that you have to be ready to place these strips on your nose as quickly as possible. Make sure they are out of their package properly and laying on the counter waiting for you while you soak your nose. No matter what the package says, make sure you nose is basically dripping wet and then apply quickly. This will give you the best grip to your face.

As irritating as it is, pull the strip slowly off once it’s dried. This will give you the best result I can promise you that. And, if your weird like me and like to watch yourself pull it off this will give you optimal viewing.

These are easily accessible from Shoppers to Amazon etc. and the price matches the product for sure.

If you don’t mind the unpleasant pulling I highly recommend these strips for finicky black head removal.


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