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Let a Little Zinc into Your Life

Now, if you didn’t know Zinc was important for you, don’t worry it’s something that’s usually missed. I’ve been one of those people in the past.


Zinc is not just something that is good for your whole body, but I notice the difference in my skin when I’m not taking my zinc tablets. Now you don’t just get zinc with tablets. There are tons of foods that are zinc heavy. Fish, nuts and seeds are a prime example of this. But, if your like me and can’t seem to fit enough of these items into your diet, I would highly suggest tablets.


Zinc is apart of the functions of your sebaceous glands which directly affect your skin. This keeps your skin soft and helps to mend any skin damage. I personally find for myself that when I’m lacking in the zinc department (I forgot to take my tablet again), I notice the difference.


I work in a very dry office and I have sensitive skin to begin with (especially on my face), I need all the help I can get. The biggest difference I notice is the skin over the bridge of my nose. This skin takes the brunt of my dryness and damage. I have a skin routine that helps this, but when I’m lacking in zinc (again, forgot my zinc tablet) I see the damage in this area.


If you’re struggling with your skin, I would highly suggest you take a look at how much zinc your really taking in a day and see if this needs to be adjusted. I personally use Jamieson Zinc Tablets.


Let some zinc in your life babes!

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