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How To Stay Sane At Family Functions
By: Ashley, Megan & Rachel

You love your family, we all know! Sometimes though, family functions can get a bit hectic and crazy which is not always a good thing. Holidays and birthdays are notorious celebrations where families get together, and it’s important for you to stay sane for these events. As Easter is approaching, we thought it would be handy to provide some suggestions on how to stay sane at these family functions.




  • Make sure you sit or stay close to the food. A great way to stop a convo with someone is to grab food and begin eating. It’s a great way to stop your annoying relative from asking about your non-existent love life or the “what are you doing with your life” conversation.


  • Make sure your phone is charged. There’s nothing worse than pulling out your phone and realizing that your only resource to the outside world has died and you have to pass the time by actually talking to someone.




  • Move around! Seriously, you don’t want to get trapped in a corner or in a conversation you can’t get out of!


  • Use helping in the kitchen as an escape. Unless it’s worse in there, if things get overwhelming take a break by going to see if anyone needs help/offer to do some task yourself for a bit of peace.


  • Don’t lose your sense of humour. Yeah, family get-togethers can be tense and awkward sometimes, but if you can laugh at it later, awesome; if you can laugh at it at the time, even better!




  • Find an ally. If your going to make it through your going to need a friend. Find someone who you can lock eyes with when something gets awkward, someone to make inside jokes with and of course have a code word so you two can get out if needed.


  • Be ready to change the subject. Family gatherings are usually great, but sometimes they can suddenly become a minefield. Not everyone is in the loop, so they don't know what to avoid. BUT you can keep this event together, I believe in you! Just be ready at any moment to change the conversation smoothly.




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