Andi's Famous Dumpling Review
By: Rachel
We actually found the Bark Shop website off of Instagram. You know those annoying adds that pop up in between your actual feed, well we were one of those people that clicked on it. Dogs are our weakness.
One of the things that drew us to the toys off this website was that they claim that they are good for rough chewers. We do have small dogs, but they are pretty tough chewers, especially Elvis. Elvis is an extreme chewer, and it’s tremendously difficult to find small enough toys for him but that he won’t destroy in a matter of hours.
We decided to try the Andi’s Famous Dumplings because it was tough enough for Elvis, but they were adorable and stuffed with a squeaker for Daisy. As soon as we saw them we knew we had to order and the price was reasonable ($16). The shipping did take a little longer than expected but it wasn’t horrendous.
As soon as we pulled the little carry-out container out of the box Daisy’s eyes grew so large and she immediately wanted it. We love the idea that the container is chewable but as an added bonus we can put the dumplings inside and Velcro it shut. This causes the puppies to work for the toys inside. It’s fun for them (while a little confusing at first) but it’s also forcing them to think about it.
Since we have gotten these toys the puppies have played with them everyday. We chose the size medium ( 2 dumplings: 4" each | carry-out carton: 5.5" x 5.5"), Daisy is a little bigger than Elvis and we wanted to make sure they both can play with them. We 100% made the right choice. Daisy can put the dumplings in her mouth and make them squeak and Elvis can still chase and chew the dumplings with no problem. If you are wondering more about the size, here is Elvis asleep on one of the dumplings...
The dumplings themselves and the carry-out container have held up extremely well. Even the adorable embroidery on the dumplings has stayed intact. The one thing I would say is that the dumplings aren’t necessarily built for drool. Once one of them has been in Daisy’s mouth to be squeaked it stays damp for quite awhile. While they are so cute, it’s pretty much disgusting after hours of play.
We would recommend ordering this toy for your fur babies for sure, but make sure you have enough time for the shipping. As well if you do have an overly drooly puppy you may want to order something that is able to handle being damp a little better.
Below is our official scoring for this toy –